
Postdoctoral Researchers:

My research group at Rutgers University’s Department of Genetics began in January 2020, and we are currently hiring multiple postdoctoral researchers with expertise in population genetics and/or evolutionary genetics. Current postings include:

Additionally, candidates interested in submitting an application for a postdoc fellowship (e.g., NIH NRSA F32 fellowship or NSF SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowship) on topics overlapping or adjacent to my research interests are welcome to reach out to discuss the possibility. Please send an email to christina.bergey@rutgers.edu.

Ph.D. Students

I accept Ph.D. students through: the Molecular Biosciences Graduate Programs as well as the Human Evolutionary Science Program with the Department of Anthropology and Ecology and Evolutionary Program with the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources.

Ideal graduate student research could focus on:

  • Immunogenetics of malaria resistance in diverse human populations;
  • Co-evolution between malaria, mosquitoes, humans, and non-human hosts;
  • Rainforest hunter-gatherer adaptive evolution;
  • Non-human primate evolutionary and/or population genomics; or
  • Other diverse topics related to lab interests.

Deadlines for all programs are in December or January; please see program websites for details and applications instructions. If interested, please send me an email at christina.bergey@rutgers.edu.

Rotational and Undergraduate Students

There are also positions available for rotational Ph.D. and undergraduate students who are interested in joining the lab. Thesis topics related to the above research would be suitable.