AluHunter: a database of potentially polymorphic Alu insertions for use in primate phylogeny and population genetics

AluHunter: a database of potentially polymorphic Alu insertions for use in primate phylogeny and population genetics

Christina M. Bergey.

Bergey (2011) Bioinformatics. 27 (20): 2924-2925. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr491

PDF of Open Access paper available from publisher’s website.

Abstract: AluHunter is a database of taxon-specific primate Alu elements for use in phylogeny and population genetics. The software automatically isolates potentially polymorphic Alu insertions in sequences submitted to GenBank by screening the elements against reference genomes. The resultant database of variable markers is a valuable resource for researchers interested in characterizing Alu elements in their primate taxon of interest.